Random Acts of Kindness Week is February 10th thru the 16th. The Random Acts of Kindness foundation is an internationally recognized non-profit organization founded on the powerful belief in kindness - and dedicated to providing resources and tools to encourage kindness around the globe.
Research shows that tiny acts of kindness ripple exponentially across social experiences - essentially sparking a contagiousness of generosity and cooperativeness. Simple stated, a single kind act influences dozens more. Kindness - especially spontaneous acts of kindness - surge the feel good hormone dopamine in both the giver and the receiver.
Reasons why acts of kindness make people happier:
- Being kind fosters compassion, which increases happiness.
- Being kind promotes a sense of connection and community with others.
- Being kind helps us appreciate and feel grateful for our own good fortune.
- Being kind allows us to use our strengths and talents in a meaningful way.
- Being kind improves physical well-being, lowers blood pressure, and eases pain.
- So be kind - and pay it forward!
Fowler, H. & Christakis, N. (2010). Cooperative behavior cascades in human social networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 107(10): 5334-5338.
Lyubormirsky, S. (2008). The how of happiness. New York: Penguin.