A.O. Scott writes that every movie genre offers teachable moments. Dramas highlight the importance of interpersonal connections. Horror movies impart the need to avoid being reckless and impulsive. Romantic comedies let us see that the "perfect man" is really the narcissitic jerk, while the one you never looked twice at is really your soul mate.
Here is his take on what summer action blockbuster movies teach:
1) Heroes don't always know that they're heroes
2) Heroism is a lonely, thankless vocation
3) When the going gets tough, the rules don't apply
4) It's always personal
5) You can't trust anyone
6) There is always someone you can trust
7) There is always enough time
8) You should never get too comfortable
9) Everything will be okay in the end
10) There is always a sequel
This can parallel life, don't you think?
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