Anger and aggression are often experienced among individuals who've been through traumatic experiences. Many anger management techniques like Stress Inoculation Training focus on the control or management of anger and rage. Though some may find relief in these fencing and corralling techniques, some may not.
For those who find that suppressing or controlling their anger leads to a vicious cycle of greater anger and aggression, there is a new therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy that might be able to help.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) gets it name from one of its core messages: to accept what is out of your personal control, while committing to do whatever is in your personal control to improve your quality of life.
ACT focuses on 3 areas:
Accept your reactions and be present
Choose a valued direction
Take action
Sounds like good advice.
I'm gonna learn more about this new Cognitive Behavioral Technique.