Over at Livescience is an article about a small study that was done to see what kind of cars people favorite. Seems that those who took part preferred cars that appeared dominant and angry as opposed to happy and friendly.
I don't really care what four-wheeled-vehicle gets me around as long as it's in good working condition. Maybe that's because my first car was an AMC orange Hornet. It looked just like this one. I thought it was great because I never had trouble finding it in a parking lot!
I don't really care what four-wheeled-vehicle gets me around as long as it's in good working condition. Maybe that's because my first car was an AMC orange Hornet. It looked just like this one. I thought it was great because I never had trouble finding it in a parking lot!
What about you?
Do you find this marketing trend has a psychological pull on your buying styles?
Are you more likely to fancy the silver BMW on the right or the silver Prius of the left?