Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Am Mind...

You Are Mind

If you dream it, then you can do it. You are very mentally sharp and strong. You enjoy challenging yourself both at work and with studies. You love mastering difficult tasks. You thrive in new environments, even stressful ones. You are able to study everything objectively. You have a upbeat attitude, and won't be deterred easily. You are open minded and optimistic about the future.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Be Good To Your Brain. It's Brain Awareness Week

I'm a big fan of my Brain.

It's such a totally cool organ. Without it, I couldn't do anything, really.

No doubt that you probably feel the same way.

Brain health is vital to our mental and physical well-being. And as time marches on, exciting research and technologies will bring us even greater understanding of how our Brains work and offer insight into illness and disease.

So, now that you know it's Brain Awareness Week, go out and celebrate your Brain. I'm going to attempt some super difficult crosswords puzzles. Make sure I eat green leafy vegetables. Take my Brain for a longer walk than usual. And get a manicure. Hey, I daydream when I get one, so I am totally working out the ol' bean!

For more Brain tips go here and here.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Virtual Art Therapy

There is no doubt that the creative process can be a meaningful experience. Expressive Therapies, for example, believe that one can emotionally heal through use of imagination and creative expression.

Art Therapy is but one type of Expressive Therapy. And offers a way for you to experience painting. Check out their artpad and paint your own virtual work of art. 

I just painted this picture, which captures my feelings about the stormy rainy morning that's outside my window.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Perseverance & Success

I believe that persistence is key in reaching any goal. I'm not always successful in things that I set out to do, but I can say that I always give it a high-octane, no-holds-barred, kick-butt try.


1. Identify your goal. Define it and make it real. Whether you write it down or share your goals aloud, affirming it gets the ball rolling.

2. Start visualizing. Use your mind's eye to visualize how your dream would unfold. What do you need to get to your goal? How would the present and future look if you reach your goal?

3. Research your dream. Take the time to look into what it takes to reach your goal so as hold a realistic expectation as you persevere.

4. Choose positive support systems. Find people who will cheer you on and encourage you as you go. Stay away from nay-sayers. Their buzz kill will limit your stride and self-esteem.

5. Choose productive behaviors. Leave room for productive days and unproductive ones. Find inspirational quotes and use self-encouraging statements to nudge you along the climb.

6. Recall your previous successes. Remember the challenges you met and matched to help you when the going gets tough.

7. Don’t fear mistakes. For me, slips, gaffes and mistakes are necessary ingredients in the recipe for success. I expect them and view them as a way to better what it is that I'm doing. Not as a wall I've hit.

8. Keep a healthy lifestyle. I know I write this all the time, but making sure you keep a healthy focus in your mind body and soul can help you in so many ways.

9. Know when to let go. If you've persevered and haven't reached your goal, it's okay to set it aside. Whether you retire it indefinitely or move onto something else, know that you followed a dream and worked hard to almost make it happen.

10. Celebrate. If you've reached your goal, make sure to celebrate it's achievement. Salute yourself and those who helped you along the way. It will encourage you to do more and inspire others to pursue their own dreams.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Coping With Chronic Illness

Chronic Illness is a term used to describe persistent and enduring bouts of illness. These disorders can be of a medical and physical nature as well as mental. Anemia, Bipolar Disorder, Colitis, Depression, Eczema, & Fibromyalgia are just a few that begin the Chronic Illness alphabet. Though there are many more, they are too numerous to list here.

Living with a chronic illness presents a myriad of issues. Most notably that both mind and body take the hit on a regular basis when an enduring illness presses on life. One's family, social and love life can be challenged as can work and school life. For tips on coping with Chronic Illness go to the American Psychological Association or visit Health Central for an interview I did a few weeks back.

I know about Chronic Illness professionally as I've worked with many children and adults who've had to live with such conditions. And I know about this subject from a personal slant. Hypertension, Arthritis and Depression keep me company. But I've learned to manage them and their fallout pretty well. My chocolate addiction, however, needs much more work.

How about you?