Did you know that Service Animals work with children and adults who experience psychiatric and neuropsychological issues?
Psychiatric Service Dogs can enhance the life of many. Children and adults with ADHD, Autism, Asperger's, Anxiety, Agoraphobia, Depression, Epilepsy, Phobia, Social Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress, Tourette's, and the list goes on. There are many things a Psychiatric Service Dog can provide, like - - Need a reminder to take your medication? A Service Dog can aid in the task. Afraid to take the elevator - the Dog can help to push the elevator button and accompany you while you conquer your fear. Having a Panic Attack or Seizure as the picture above shows? The Service Dog will guard and protect you and bark for help. So many things...

Here's a great link to read more about it.
And remember, if you see a Service Dog, ask the owner if he/she is "working". Dogs can be pet and played with only when they are on a break!