Research shows that adolescents who engage in one form of risky behavior, like drug or alcohol use, are likely to engage in other risky behaviors like having unprotected sex, engaging in self-harm and/or acting out in dangerous ways.
Now, a new study shows that a simple and brief screening measure called the Adolescent Risk Inventory (ARI) can quickly identify the broad range of risk behaviors found among adolescents. This study appeared in The Journal of Child Psychiatry and Human Development
I was not a risk taker as a child or a teen. I was always the designated driver as a young adult as I disliked drugs and alcohol. Even now, nearing fifty, I am quite vanilla. Perhaps the riskiest thing I ever did was to go to McDonald's in a gown on a dare.
People have temperments and genetic variations that sway the trajectory of their life.
How would you describe yourself?