Monday, March 16, 2009

Be Good To Your Brain. It's Brain Awareness Week

I'm a big fan of my Brain.

It's such a totally cool organ. Without it, I couldn't do anything, really.

No doubt that you probably feel the same way.

Brain health is vital to our mental and physical well-being. And as time marches on, exciting research and technologies will bring us even greater understanding of how our Brains work and offer insight into illness and disease.

So, now that you know it's Brain Awareness Week, go out and celebrate your Brain. I'm going to attempt some super difficult crosswords puzzles. Make sure I eat green leafy vegetables. Take my Brain for a longer walk than usual. And get a manicure. Hey, I daydream when I get one, so I am totally working out the ol' bean!

For more Brain tips go here and here.