Saturday, December 18, 2010

Art that Empowers Girls

Did you know that studies investigating gender roles say that despite recent changes in media, rigid stereotyping for young girls still exists. It's true.

Advertising, cartoons, commercials, picture books and toys are just some of the ways that children develop an understanding about how society defines what is means to be a girl or a boy. Most often, girls are represented as being motivated by love and romance, and are less independent than boys. Experts in the the field confirm that many themes portray girls as sexual yet powerless and passive. What confusing messages!

When looking at the posters above, girls (and boys) can learn that gender roles are not rigid. The artist, Amanda Visell has had her work featured in galleries, museums, toys stores and even movies around the world. I think she's a maverick!

I love the message in this art. Don't you?

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tips for Getting Thru the Holidays

Overexpectation. This is the single biggest cause of holiday stress. Unrealistic hopes that everything will be perfect, and everyone will be happy can only lead to disappointment, frustration and even depression. Be realistic and enjoy the true meaning of the holidays, which is about celebration and togetherness – not perfection.

Overscheduling. Most of our lives are already overscheduled, even before adding in holiday visits, religious events, and travel. Make plans carefully in advance and don’t be afraid to say “No!" if you feel burdened.

Overindulging. Eat, drink and be merry…within reason. Overeating can worsen certain health problems and causes unneeded guilt over extra pounds. Enjoy the bounty of special celebrations but don’t go overboard.

Overpaying. Don't confuse “stuff” with love. Make a budget and stick to it. Most of all, remember to give the gift of time to children. Long after the $100 video games are forgotten, kids will remember sledding down hills with you.

. Don’t wait until the last minute to shop for food and presents. Shop ahead of time. Use the Internet. And don’t go it alone! Delgate if necessary.

Overbearing Relatives. Family conflicts can resurface during what should be ideal moments. Try to avoid falling into old tensions or old roles. If certain people are problematic, be creative with seating or invite people to different occasions at different times. Set aside differences until after the holidays. If friction arises, leave the room to baste the turkey or take a walk with someone.

Overstressed. Keep an eye out for signs of discomfort and stress that takes its toll on your body and mind. Head or backaches, nightmares, withdrawal, irritability and other out-of-character behaviors are a sign that you have taken on too much.

How are you doing with the Holidays?