Sunday, April 01, 2007
April: Sexual Assault Awareness Month
* * * Trigger Alert * * *
In the time it takes to read this message, 3 individuals somewhere in the United States will have become the latest victims of sexual violence.
Nationwide, 1 in 6 women - and 1 in 33 men - will experience a sexual assault during their lifetime. According to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, more than half of all rapes of women occur before the age of 18.
These statistics are significant but sexual violence is not about numbers. It is a personal, painful trauma that has profound and long-lasting physical, social and psychological consequences.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month is observed in April in the United States, and is dedicated to making a concerted effort to raise awareness about and prevent sexual violence.
The first observation of Sexual Assault Awareness Month occurred in 2001, where the National Sexual Violence Resource Center provided resources to advocates nationwide to help get the word out about sexual assault. This awareness day has gained momentum over the years, especially on high school and college campuses. For those who want more information, click this.
All information herein was obtained by: National Violence Resource Center